Saturday, January 27, 2007

So far so good

Well, the car is running great so far: it starts like a dream, and runs well once started. The true test will be when it rains. Unfortunately, that test isn't about to happen any time soon as our weather patterns have returned to their normal Victoria selves -- mild and dry.

I am also looking forward to watching to see if fuel economy increases. I'm not holding my breath, but I am optimistic.

I've decided to write a letter of complaint to Toyota and have a first draft on paper. However, after talking to more people, it seems I learned what they know already -- the Toyota service department is full of lazy jerks.

I chose to go with a letter because I know that if I go into the shop and ask to speak to a manager (remember: lazy jerk) they are just going to blow it off. That is exactly what others said about how they handled their negative feedback. I also feel pretty strongly about good customer service, but get stressed out by sticking up for myself so would probably end up crying or something stupid like that.

Don't worry, I am not expecting any better treatment by sending a letter. But, at least it will be in writing. Whether I send the same letter to BBB is yet to be decided. After all, the more I dwell on this saga, the more it will consume my thoughts. It really isn't worth this much attention, but I like telling stories and this venue is ideal for doing just that.

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