Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A step back in time

I was born in Vancouver and lived there until I was 8. I've always had fond memories of Van, and even though I only went back twice before moving to BC when I was 19, I managed to remember the basic layout. Pretty good for a kid who couldn't drive or barely see out the window for the first half of those 8 years! I think taking solitary walks along King Edward and Mackenzie (playing in traffic) while I was 2 helped me get my bearings! Poor Mom was too busy dealing with Scotty to keep track of her wandering toddler.

One day my Dad took me and my siblings up to Dunbar. I remember being in a bookstore, my Dad remembers it being a Library and my Mom, who wasn't there, remembers it being someplace else.

Anywho, I lost track of my Dad. After trolling the aisles, I found him. But, then I lost him again. Being kid number 3 (of 4) to an absent-minded professor of a Dad (sorry Dad, but it is true), I thought he left without me. So, I decided to walk home.

I made my way over to King Edward (25th) and headed East towards home. A few blocks in, I approached Grandma's house (blue dot on map below). But, I couldn't go in as my sister Kim would be mad at me for spoiling her weekend sleepover with Grandma. So, I kept going. I don't remember the rest of the walk, but I do remember arriving at Granville and Connaught (~ 6 blocks from home) where I was met by a Policeman. Seems Dad didn't leave without me afterall. Instead, he probably panicked and called the police.

Being the shy, rule abiding child that I was, I didn't want to go into the strangers car so declined the policemans offer to wait in his cruiser. I think I wanted to keep walking, but I don't really remember the rest. I don't even remember being reunited with my Dad.

From that day forward, I have been a Master Parent Finder (TM). My Mom used to take us to the mall and announce the time we were to meet back up at the pet store. I wasn't an avid shopper then, so was usually done before the time was up so would go looking for my Mom. I could always find her whether she was in the grocery store, dress shop, or the florist. I never had to walk home again.

Here is the route I took:

One day, I'll drive it and record the distance.
One day: I drove the route and it was a whopping 4.5 kms!

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