Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Workin for the Guv

Well, today was my first day working for the BC Government (The Guv). All in all, it went well. I was able to crack a few jokes, I didn't have to do any work, and my direct co-workers all like animals.

I wasn't that nervous, but that didn't stop me from taking a while to get to sleep. It didn't help that the fleacircus brigade was in full force at 5:45 am this morning.

The day started with a tour of the facilities which include numerous coffee stations (BYOC - caffeine and any apparatus you may require), a cafeteria, a gym (with classes and everything), and bike lockers (which I am on a wait list for). The day also consisted of forms...lots and lots of forms. Snore.

One such form was to say I wouldn't do anything bad, or install programs on the computer. So, my suspicion that MSN is a no go was right. That is OK though -- I have ZERO privacy in my semi-fishbowl cube. Besides, having 'clean' workstations directly impacts me since I'll be responsible for ensuring new applications work on all types of workstations.

Things I found out today:
1. There are 3 Heather MacLeod's working for the BC Gov.
2. I get to swear at work...and they book 15 minutes for it. OK, so I'll be swearing an oath, not a blue streak, but still!
3. There aren't enough shower curtains in the shower stalls at work. I hope I don't have to go freestyle!

The predominant sentiment today was grief. Grief over the loss of working for a company (ACD) that I knew inside out. I could recognize almost anyone by the sound of their voice, and a select few by the way they walked. On the up side, there are just so many people in the office that I don't feel like I stand out like a sore thumb the way I would at a company of 30-60 people. As the hours wore on and my mid-morning feeding came and went without food, I found it harder to embrace my new surroundings. Fortunately, some food, caffeine, and a bit of fresh air helped.

I am hoping my sleeping habits get back to normal so I don't have to drag my butt around like a zombie tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Hey Heather! Sounds like the first day was alright. Too bad about no MSN though. Lots of things to get used to. Best of luck getting the hang of your new gig! Keep in touch.

BC Worker said...

This must be the Heather that works at WTS! I can tell by the description of the showers - ick!

Sorry to hear you're having to work for the bc gov - especially wts!!

Take comfort in knowing that ALL your co-workers are either waiting for retirement or also trying to get the heck out of wts.

Don't stop looking, and don't give up hope! There are REAL project management jobs out there waiting.

Cheers :)