Saturday, November 10, 2007

Day 85: Getting Ready to Seal the Tile

I had to go into work Friday and because I couldn't make a reservation the night before, I didn't get home from Van until 11:30 pm. Needless to say, I was tired most of the day.
I came home, ate a piece of cheese, and proceeded to scrub the floors to get all the mortar off the tiles. It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought. There are a lot of gaps between the tiles that got filled up by mortar which means the grout won't have far enough to go to get good contact. I really wish I had watched out for that more carefully while the mortar was still wet. I'll dig it out in the high traffic areas and proceed with the sealing tomorrow.

Even though I didn't get around to sealing the tiles last weekend, I'm not really that far behind. I'll grout next weekend and if there isn't goint to be enough time for the grout to be sealed before the cabinets go in, then I can seal it after the fact.

It is very exciting that I am to the point where I just have to turn one page in the calendar to see the approximate date that the cabinets will go in.

Here is a pic of the tiles without the enhancer:

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