Monday, April 30, 2007

Add Facebook to the list of networks I'm in

I've recently joined Facebook and have to say I am pretty pleased. Apparently it is a lot like myspace, but I can't say for sure as I somehow managed to sleep through the myspace wave.

Facebook is great for looking up long lost friends. This is especially cool for me since I grew up and went to high school back east. It is the cyberspace version of walking through the main streets of your home town.

I've yet to connect with those from highschool, because the friends I did have then I still know or aren't on Facebook. Everyone else that I recognize are more like acquaintances.

I did connect with a girl I used to babysit though. She is 18+ (and her brother almost 17) which makes me an old fart. Her family was great to me -- even after they moved several km's away, they would pick me up and drive me home after babysitting. They would also take me skiing with them. We stayed in touch for a few years and I visited them the two times I went back. But, contact slowly whithered away...before email took off and blogs were invented.

The downside to Facebook? It is a bit of a popularity contest. I got invites from folks I barely know because they were on my MSN list way back when. Sorry, but I refuse to join anyone's harem...except Mikey because it isn't a virtual harem but rather the real kind that includes Sunday coffee, cat jokes, and Survivor nights. Also includes a concert or two. Woo hoo...The Hip rocked!

1 comment:

Mikey2 said...

Pimp'n ain't easy!