Wednesday, February 7, 2007

What a concept

So, I am back at work, managing not only the projects I was working on before to the layoff, but also a few more. I am busy to say the least. But not as busy as my co-worker who has to fly off to Kiev for 10 days.

All that work doesn't leave much time for the job hunt, so I spend my evenings working on my resume. I've put a few out there, but need to fire off some more.

What is great about this whole layoff-contract thing is that I have the luxury of being completely open and upfront about my job search. In fact, it is socially acceptable to bounce ideas off co-workers and use HR to network. What a concept!

And to add further bounce to my step, the property tax winfall I confirmed last week has gone through and I no longer carry a balance on my credit card! Of course, the monthly fees and interest may not have been calculated yet, so I could still see a balance owing over the next few weeks.

I still have ~$3000 from that winfall and I am reluctant to do anything with it, including putting it in my RRSP or against my mortgage. That would be the wise thing to do, but I have become a bit of a miser and don't want to lock it away somewhere. I am also getting cold feet about my kitchen reno now that I may be able to bump it up by two years. The idea of jumping into the demo and rebuild process is a little daunting. Not sure I am ready for that as I am still recovering from the bathroom reno of 2006...which has about a weekend worth of touching up to do...11 months later!