Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Horror!

I was in the mall, picking up the new Wil CD when it was aweful..horrible even. I walked out of HMV and was disoriented! I looked both ways and for the life of me couldn't remember which way would take me back where I came from.

I usually pride myself at being able to walk out of a store and know which way I came from and/or which way is next. I could be in a familiar mall, a new mall, or downtown and I would still know my bearings.

This isn't much of an accomplishment, but when you think of how easy it is to get distracted by the things going on in the store...including the rush of finding something you absolutely have to have, it sounds pretty impressive. And don't forget, I'm the one with the attention span of a 3-year old.

1 comment:

Mikey2 said...

were you drunk or are you getting dementia in your old age?