Thursday, June 14, 2007

Barriers to Junk Food

When I got to work today there was an email from the provincial government waiting patiently in my inbox. It told me of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. One method for improving the health of Canadians is to stop stocking vending machines with junk food. Apparently this is already underway in Public Schools and Public workplaces are next.

That is great news. I have pretty bad willpower so if the vending machines down the hall are chocolate free, or better yet, stocked with healthy alternatives, I am less likely to cave in to junk food. Especially at 2:30 when the afternoon lull kicks in.

There are potentially two wrenches with this least for 4000 Seymour:
  1. The cafeteria still stocks junk food (and probably will after this switch over) and is a mere 25 feet away from the main vending machines.
  2. The vending machines don't actually accept twonies.
I am hopeful the healthy offering will be tasty too. If they start stocking food that tries to pass tofu off as an alternative to turkey or chocolate I may have to start a picket line. Shudder...I'm going to have tofu nightmares.

1 comment:

spughy said...

Ok you KNOW I'm like the least tofu-friendly person on the planet. But you HAVE to try the veggie sandwiches at Wildfire. They have smoked tofu in them and they're actually really, really good. Yummm.... lots of veggies in them too, in case you forget to take your Flintstones. Hee hee.